Monday, October 11, 2010

These Hips Don't Lie

I'll be honest.  This white girl can't dance. Even after a few drinks and I think I can dance, I still have no rhythm.  I'm also intimated by group classes.  I'm clumsy, awkward and a little paranoid that everyone is judging how awful I am. Even with all of my worries, I still signed up for Zumba over the summer and am entering in my second week for the the fall session.  After 8 weeks in the summer, I learned about half of the steps the instructor taught us so I was pretty excited to be a step ahead of any noobs this session brought. But I was wrong! We are learning all new dances!! The only exception so far is Hips Don't Lie by Shakira. I can't shake my hips like Shakira but I try and burn a few calories in the process. 

For those of you who live under a rock and haven't heard of Zumba here is a YouTube video of Hips Don't Lie.

In other news, I stopped counting calories and have happily maintained my weight.  It's still hard work, but this was a lifestyle change, not a quick fix.