Thursday, December 2, 2010

Inevitable Holiday Weight Gain

After months of maintaining my weight and um, bragging about it - I've gained weight. :-/  I weighed in last Thursday (yes, on Thanksgiving) and did a little dance because I was still right on target.  But yesterday when I weighed in I gained a little more than 2 pounds.  Diet Fail!  But I have two really good excuses!!  Excuse #1: There was a lot more eating and drinking over the past few days and a lot less activity.  Excuse #2: This new running regime is leaving me hungrier so I'm eating larger portions.

But, even with two really good excuses, I have to get back on track because 2 pounds could lead to 5 pounds and then all of a sudden I'm back on Weight Watchers complaining about not being able to drink beer.

So in order to lose the two pounds I've started logging my food on the fitbit website and will pay closer attention to portion control...especially how much cereal I consume. (It's so tasty!)

I'm not going to beat myself up over gaining a few pounds.  Lesson learned and those two pounds will be gone before I know it! Below are my daily food totals and calories burned v calories eaten.  Not too shabby!


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