Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I Quit!!

After 4 solid weeks of maintaining my weight, I've officially quit Weight Watchers!!! No more counting points! Yay! Instead I'm becoming acutely aware of how many calories I consume each day since I'm using the fitbit website to track my every movement. One obsession leads to another, right? At least in my case it does.

The most valuable lesson Weight Watchers has taught me is portion size. Before starting the so called diet I didn't realize that a full chicken breast is 2 servings, not one. And, I should only eat 3/4 cup cereal with 3/4 cup of skim milk. A steak is 3 oz, or about the size of a deck of cards, pasta is 1 cup and brown rice is 1/2 cup and supplement every meal with fresh veggies. And of course, the most important lesson learned is how essential exercise is. This was the hardest part for me but now it's just a part of my daily routine. Thank you Weight Watchers!

Me after goal June 27, 2010

Me before so called diet - February 21, 2010
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