Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Couch to 5K Workout 1, Week 1

It's the New Year and that means it's time to get back on track with my running program! Over the two week break I worked out a few times and continued my running program but I decided to start an actual program instead of something I made up in my head. I've heard a lot about Couch to 5K and decided it best suited my  needs.  I realize I'm no couch potato but I haven't been able to improve my distance so I'm starting over.  My goal is to run a 5K by April and that gives me time to train and ensure I'm ready by then.
I downloaded the C25K iPhone app and hopped on the treadmill.  5 minute brisk walk as a warm up and then 60 seconds of running with 90 seconds of walking intervals for 20 minutes.  I kept my speeds about the same as what I've been doing the past few weeks - 4.0 walking, 5.5 running and it felt like a pretty good workout. This is the same workout for all three days this week and each week the running intervals increase and the walking decrease.  By week 9 I'll be running 3.1 miles in 30 minutes. We'll see!


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