Monday, February 28, 2011

Couch to 5K Week 5 Progress

Good news!! I started Week 5!! And successfully completed Workout 1 and 2!! (breaks arm while patting my back...)

After I wrote my last entry, I was feeling a little down and wasn't sure when I was going to start Week 5.  On my way to the gym that same evening I ran into a  friend (and fellow blogger and he asked me how things were going with my running plan.  I admitted to feeling defeated and that I was a little hesitant to start Week 5. I got to the gym and started walking on the treadmill and realized how negative I sounded and decided to do something about it.  I jumped right into Workout 1 which consisted of a 5 minute warm up, three 5 minute jog intervals with two 3 minute walks and a 5 min cool down.  On the third 5 minute jogging interval I picked a song that was exactly 5 minutes and it made the time go by faster.  When I was done, I was red in the face but had a sense of accomplishment. 

I completed Workout 2 on Sunday which had the usual 5 minute warm up and cool down, however the jogging intervals increased to 8 minutes with one 5 minute walk in between.  I was pleasantly surprised that I didn't need to stop to catch my breath so I must be making some improvement.

 I might run slow but I'm chugging along. 


Topher said...

8 minutes? nice! that's a quick mile right there

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