Monday, April 19, 2010

Manic Monday!

After the last week’s weigh in, I was really dreading this week’s. In order to overcome the weight gain I pushed myself harder than I have in the last 6 weeks. I worked out every day since Tuesday. Interval training on the elliptical followed by weight lifting, 30 Day Shred on non-gym days, Pilates, cardio boxing, as well as a 3.5 hour bike ride around Coronado on Saturday and 4 hours of walking at Disneyland Sunday.  I paid close attention to portion control and ended up with 10 ‘extra points’ remaining at the end of the week. It was definitely not an easy week but all of my hard work paid off because I lost another two pounds!! I’m just a mere 4.9 pounds away from my goal! I feel much better being back on track and am 4.9 pounds away from my goal. Yay!

Here’s the breakdown: 47 days; -10.1 pounds.


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