Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Newest Weight Watchers Spokesperson

I feel like I’ve become the newest WW spokesperson because within the last two weeks, 4 friends/coworkers joined Weight Watchers due to my success with the plan. Each person asked me how the plan worked, if I went to meetings, how much it costs, and how the points system works. In the event that anyone is reading this cares to know here are the details.

I joined the on-line Momentum program with Weight Watchers and when I signed up, it was approximately $60 for 3 months and $18 thereafter. I chose the on-line only program because I didn’t want to go to meetings. I was just ready to get some structure with my diet and figured if I needed more help, I would then go to a meeting as needed. I haven’t attended one yet and haven’t felt like I needed the extra support.

Weight Watchers assigns a number to every food based on the fat, fiber and calories. I’m allowed 20 points a day with 35 extra points to use throughout the week. It’s important to use all of your points each day in order to lose weight because your body won’t burn the fat if you don’t consume enough food. The points system has helped me make better choices with what I’m eating and to realize how much I should actually eat.

Since every food has a point value I track all of my food using the Plan Manager, either online or on my iPhone. Just about any food item is listed and you can create recipes to calculate points. In addition, with the online program you can search for recipes (which are surprisingly good) and I also create favorites for foods that I tend to eat a lot of. You can also calculate point values online if you have the nutritional information on the foods you eat. When I’m eating out, I hop on my iPhone and search for items that are similar so I know what the best choice that is within my point range. Of course, eating out can be tricky because you don’t know how your food is really prepared so I typically leave a little room for cushion but upping my serving size.

It goes without saying that with dieting comes exercise. I exercise at least 6 days a week, sometimes fitting it in twice a day. I take Pilates Monday/Wednesday during my lunch break. I switch out going to the gym or working out using the 30 Day Shred DVD. At the gym, I do at least 20 minutes of cardio and another 30 of weights. The 30 Day Shred DVD forces me to do 3 intervals of 3 minutes of strength training, 2 minutes of cardio and 1 minute of abs. On days that I can’t workout in the evening, I go on walks during my lunch break.

That’s the gist of my plan and I hope it inspires more people to join my newest obsession - a healthier lifestyle. It’s worked well for me and I still eat food that tastes good and consume a few tasty adult beverages throughout the week. Let’s face it, diets are never fun but how can you not consider a diet that allows you to drink and indulge on occasion?


Christy said...

You are a champ.

Melinda D. said...

You're so sweet Christy. :-)

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